Bro & Tracy Animal Welfare works to help all animals have a good life and to prevent unwanted dogs and cats from being born.
Our primary work: spay/neuter and adoptions

Callie in 2013 and now.
When our dogs are adopted they go to their new homes with a lifetime guarantee – we will always take our dogs back, no matter how long it has been or their condition. Fortunately, in the 25 years we have been doing this no one has ever returned a dog to us except for a couple who came back quickly when it didn’t work out.
— Until recently. Callie was adopted from Bro & Tracy 11 years ago and now she is back with me, where she will stay for the rest of her life.
Bro & Tracy’s primary work is spay/neuter to prevent unwanted animals from being born. The animals we foster we believe in and care about deeply. We love each individual as if he or she was our own dog. We make every effort to know that our dogs will be loved and cared for as we would do. The reality is that 11 years can make a lot of difference in a human’s life as well as a dog’s. We appreciate that Callie’s adopters got in touch with us and returned her to us.
Her people have encountered health problems and are no longer able to care for her. She has been loved but fed too much. She now weighs a whopping 100 pounds! The maximum she should weigh is 60! Her legs are not in good shape which makes it that much harder for her to carry all that weight. I hope that as she loses weight she will be able to walk better which will also help get her in better condition.
Callie has been here for since early December and is doing great, doing her part to make it work. My other 4 dogs behave as if the has always been here. They don’t even question her arrival. She rates exceptionally high on my “Easy” scale. She’s just comfortable and my dogs seem to feel the same way.
It is hard for her to manage my 7 steps but she does it. I got a ramp for her to get in the car and she enjoys going with the others to meet other people and dogs. I feel blessed to be able to give her a home and love.

Callie with her family 3 years after she was adopted from us.